Our Hearts led us here… 

Message from Patricia: In 2018, Master St. Germain began communicating with me that a new healing modality would be brought through for humanity’s spiritual advancement, as the Hearts of so many on the planet were calling out for healing.  No specific timing was provided, but in divine timing, the aspects, protocol, images and healing symbols for the class and sessions were given over the next few years.  In January 2021, we introduced Violet Flame Energy of the Heart®!

Clients and students were curious and the effects of the sessions were profound.  In April 2021, classes began to train Master Practitioners.  The guidance became clear that this Heart Centered healing modality will expand and should be featured on its own website.   I was guided to create The Heart Leads®!



As AA Gabriel explained so perfectly…
The Heart Heals.
The Heart Loves.
The Heart Gives.




And the practice continued to grow!  Beginning in December 2021, guidance began regarding  the expansion and development of the Integrated Treatment Structure.  The full structure was introduced in September of 2022.

Violet Flame Energy of the Heart®
Integrated Treatment Structure

Session 1: Foundation – Establish connection to your Heart energy and the Violet Flame.
Session 2: Healing the Past – Release the beliefs and stories that hold you back.
Session 3: Empowerment – Release self-doubt; embrace your personal power.
Session 4: Inner Wisdom – Recognize the Divine Partnership within.
Session 5: Creativity – Embrace and Reveal your Creative Gifts.
Session 6: Vision – View your Path and your Purpose.

Read about the session experience on the Sessions page!

Recipients of this healing energy aspire to move forward in their spiritual development.  In this modality, the practitioner’s and recipient’s Heart energy merges with the Violet Flame… the resulting alchemy is Violet Flame Energy of the Heart®.

Master St. Germain bears responsibility for the Violet Flame healing energy.  He stated on 4-26-20: “Violet Flame was born out of creation as a means to transmute lower energies that do not support the vision of creation.  The vision of creation being expressions of love.”